Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm a Beach Baby

This is the reason I live in San Diego...
Where's my ipod?

Monday, July 21, 2008

I've been shot!!! Multiple times!!!

Can you believe my parents let me get 5 shots in my legs. OUCH!!!

But, I'm tough, it wasn't too bad.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

2 months old!

That's right --- add another month to the "alive" column.

Is my newbornhood over? I think I've moved up. Look how tall I am when I stretch.

Who says love seats are for two? This thing is huge and could easily hold all my friends.

SCMV Business Department Daughters

Me (in orange) and my friends (from L to R) Ashlee Witham, Caroline Abbott, Avery Mann and Victoria Sweeney. We're all within 13 months of age.
Seriously, we should have our own TV show. It'd be just like "The View" but targeting a younger demographic. Topic of the day: Best toys

Help me here, I'm starting to tip...

Me and my friend Ashlee. We go way back.

Friday, July 11, 2008

My first real party (Jen and Daniel's wedding)

All dressed up and ready for the big night!

Poor baby? No way, I'm a rich baby!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7 weeks old!!!

I love this childhoold thing. It seems like everyday is my birthday. Although May 20th isn't coming around for awhile, my parents have celebrated many of my birthdays already and they are planning many more. Today is my 7-week birthday. Tomorrow is my 50-day birthday. My 8-week birthday and 2-month birthday are right around the corner. Sooner or later they'll have to give me some cake!

VIDEO (click on play button below): Here's me attempting to sing happy birthday to myself during tummy time. BTW, my head is heavier than you think...

Enjoying the rest of my day on the Boppy...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday America!!!

Although my favorite Fourth of July bib was still a little big on me, it didn't stop me from proudly displaying my patriotism.

(I also hoped it would help me get served some hot dogs at the two parties I went to --- but it didn't.)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Celebrating Aunt Stacy Lees-Hughes' Birthday!!!

Aunt Stacy and my favorite Uncle Chris

Aunt Stacy, Grandma & Grandpa Lees and me...